Need analysis review and qualification design: SUMMARY REPORT
Within the project, the first phase was dedicated to the study of the economic and educational situation of the various European countries.
The analysis is continued by analyzing the different needs of companies from the point of view of professional figures.
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The Innovation Advisor curriculum
should be a Full Qualification, addressed to young people. Due to the development as a set of independent learning modules, it will be addressed also to Continuing Professional Development of adult workers.
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Summary of the curriculum units
Look at the summary of the units that make up the curriculum in your language!
Training Toolkit
In this document all the storyboards of each developed Unit are collected.
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Pilot Report
Full Qualification + CPD Learning Modules
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Dissemination and Exploitation plan
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein.
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