About us
Bulgarian Branch Chamber of Woodworking and Furniture Industry / BCWFI / is a voluntary non-profit association whose mission is to protect and represent the interests of its members and the industry. BCWFI is the only official representative of employers in the Furniture, Woodworking, Manufacturing and supply of equipment and materials for the woodworking and furniture sectors.
From all branch organizations in Bulgaria We can be praised to be the one with the most members - more than 150. This makes us preferred partner and respected ally.
Our aims
Our aims are relied to study, preserve and protect the interests of our members to national and international level. We are working to develop collegiality and cooperation among the members of the organization. By organizing events and trainings we encourage the entrepreneurship and skills of SMEs in the sector.
We would like to improve the collaboration between the members of the organization.
Regarding this we annually organize meetings for them. We are working on to raise the prestige of the industry to the public by means of professional unity and defense of the interests;
We also assist in the formation of the human capital and the qualification of the members'' employees.
Our main activities
Providing information on advanced materials, technology, equipment and innovations in the industry;
Providing information on the state of international markets and opportunities to establish business relations and cooperation;
Providing information on programs to support small and medium enterprises;
Provide information on changes in the regulations of the activities in the sector;
Conducting specialized seminars, analysis and expertise, roundtables, workshops, training and retraining of human resourcing;
Organizing appearances and visits to national and international exhibitions;